Marc Pierrard
Marc Pierrard was born in 1974 in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. From 1993 to 2008, he used to play guitar in a band called dEFDUMp. Over the years, he learned a lot about different computer programs, video, photography, printing techniques and was introduced to a large palette of mediums, which now mostly find their way into his work. The greater part of his works is made of large multimedia installations. While the primary emphasis is on paintings and photographs, he also uses sculptures and different «props», such as self-made videos or background sounds as extensions. Some of his installations are walkable sceneries, in which the viewer becomes, for a short period of time, part of the work. In more recent works, the role of the spectator becomes increasingly important as the artwork take its shape by or with the intervention of the visitor. The wide range of techniques and mediums that Marc Pierrard gathered over the years, allow him to visually adapt his different artworks.
Marc currently lives and work in Kayl and his work includes drawings, collages, paintings, sculptures, video- and sound-installations. His work is characterized by an ongoing dedication to humanity and art, its history, heroes and debaucheries.